Sunday 18 May 2014

Why students using laptops learn less in class even when they really are taking notes

Why students using laptops learn less in class even when they really are taking notes. The Washington Post

When I received this article from a previous colleague with the comment "WOO HOO!!! At last some common sense." my first reaction was to wonder what task the teacher was setting that meant the students were not learning.

Obviously I was applying my primary school filter to the headline before reading.  While my previous colleague may think there is better learning done with pen and paper, I have found iPads, laptops and PCs invaluable for year one and two learning.  The question to ask is what is best for this learning - laptop? or playdough? or pen and paper?  A wide variety of experiences enables learning by all.

After reading the article I realised there is more than a grain of truth when I examine my own experiences.  Previously I ran a diary, a to-do list, and a day book for recording professional development and the subsequent processing of ideas.  They were a haphazard collection of notes, tabs and 'scribbles' contained in two well-thumbed books.  As I have made myself more ICT based along with a push towards a paperless state, I have found I run a diary, separate to my to-do app, and I have professional development notes on paper and filed in various places on different computers.  This is not an ideal state.

One reason for having things in different places is the joy of processing ideas, reflecting on past practice and then developing how new ideas can be incorporated into my class. This is a mixture of messy notes, scribbles and beautiful mind maps that develop over a coffee or three.  This is a creative mostly paper based activity because I still find the computer too linear.

The challenge is to file everything appropriately.  I use Evernote to file my readings and notes at meetings.  What I need to do is develop the habit of photographing notes etc and filing them alongside.  By organising everything in one place I will have (hopefully) replicated the very efficient system I had and have developed something superior.

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